The half day Professional Training Program (PTP) is designed for students ages 12+ who would like to train in an intensive and professional environment. Students attend academic school in the morning and dance training classes in the afternoon. Acceptance into the PTP is by audition only.
PTP students are nurtured in an atmosphere dedicated to excellence with personalized programs and coaching to ensure training is well rounded and meets the demands of a professional dancer.
The program runs for 11 months each year beginning the season with a mandatory Professional Dance Intensive designed to accelerate progress, build technical strength and develop artistry. Throughout the year students are also exposed to many performance opportunities including group and solo work in local and international competitions and festivals. The season is capped off with the annual TAKE FLIGHT performance in May.
Note that this program does not require approval by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. As such, PTIB did not review this program. Students may not file a claim against the Student Tuition Protection Fund in relation to this program.
The PTP program follows a curriculum that includes both practical and theory-based classes, allowing students to refine technique, build strength and develop artistry. Class examples are listed below but are dependent on student age and level.
• Daily technique classes and pointe work
• Examinations for selected students
• Weekly repertoire classes (coaching on select solos from Romantic, Classical and Contemporary Ballet genres)
• Contemporary, Jazz and body conditioning
• Performance preparation for local and international competitions, local festivals and the annual VAB Celebration of Dance
• Participation in group and possibly solo performance works choreographed by industry professionals
Each student follows an individual dance training and adjunct curriculum. Each student’s program is reviewed regularly and revised according to individual progress.
Personal development skills are part of daily training. Students keep journals to assist with the maintenance of personal corrections, reminders and weekly tasks. Feedback, individual interviews and written reports are included to assist with each dancer’s personal development.
Dancers are instructed in personal wellness and emotional health issues pertinent to students who engage in intense professional dance training:
• Workshops with a sports psychologist ensure students have access to the most up to date techniques for managing stress, motivation, and developing emotional strength and resilience.
• Dancers, like other elite athletes, can be prone to depression and anxiety in their pursuit of excellence and perfection. Dancers are instructed by counselling professionals to recognize these signs of stress and how to use coping strategies to defuse potential problems.
• Physiotherapists and Pilates teachers instruct dancers in injury prevention and anatomy as well as physiology topics pertinent to PTP curriculum.
• School staff instruct dancers in cross training options to use when injured, when needing adjunct training for strength and conditioning, or to maintain fitness during holiday time.
• Nutrition for dancers is explored helping students achieve an understanding of the nutritional demands on a dancer and how to best achieve ultimate performance and health through sound nutritional habits.
Class Placement
Advancement in the school is not automatic. Each dancer’s development is individually assessed and tailored to accommodate the stages of physical development, coordination, ability to assimilate instruction, and degree of motivation. Students may be moved to more appropriate level to ensure that all students are receiving the level of instruction most beneficial for their individual needs. A student’s schedule may
change if such a move is made.
Sample Day
Cecchetti Examinations
The Cecchetti Method is a worldwide training and examination system in Classical Ballet. The CICB (Cecchetti International Classical Ballet) is an organization that links the International Cecchetti Societies around the world. Examinations are scheduled, and qualified examiners are provided for students across Canada. The purpose of these examinations is to give teachers and students specific goals to work towards and to maintain standards of development consistent with international standards.
Each year VAB students may be selected to participate in Cecchetti Canada examinations with a recognized and experienced examiner. Entries for these examinations are at the discretion of the Academy Director.
Cecchetti Awards
The Cecchetti Canada – British Columbia holds an annual award competition. Participation, after successfully passing through the audition process, involves learning a specially choreographed solo by leading BC choreographers and then competing at the Cecchetti Awards Celebration in Vancouver. Select students, by discretion of the Academy Director, may be chosen to participate in the Cecchetti Awards.
PTP students have had great success at these awards. Fees associated with entry, travel, and accommodation are the responsibility of the student.
Performance Opportunities
At the completion of each year, students participate in the Take Flight Show, performing appropriate works choreographed by VAB faculty and guest choreographers. This performance gives all students the opportunity to display their skills and progress learned over the course of the year.
VAB students are often invited to perform as guests at events and showcases both locally and internationally. This reward for the students exposes them to many different social groups as they donate their talents for worthy causes.
PTP students may participate in a variety of group and/or solo numbers in festivals across British Columbia. The number of pieces a student is asked to participate in is unique to the individual student. Students typically participate in the Greater Victoria Performing Arts Festival (GVPAF) and/or the DanceWorks festivals (Competition festival for soloists or Performance festival for solos and groups). GVPAF and DanceWorks have associated gala performances that students may be requested to participate in. Each festival selects candidates as representatives for the BC Performing Arts Festival held in May at locations across the province. At this provincial festival, selected students perform solos and participate in classes with dance specialists. This is a great experience for students to meet dancers across the province working at their level.
Health & Wellness
VAB takes a holistic approach to teaching dance with a focus on both the physical and emotional well-being of each student. To achieve their potential, each dancer must understand the necessity of maintaining a healthy body, attending to injuries and being aware of the nutritional needs of elite athletes. Students learn to recognize the importance of emotional health. Because dancers require such intense motivation and focus to help them participate in the rigorous daily schedule necessary for their chosen career, they must have emotional support available. These topics are covered extensively in the curriculum.
VAB is aware of the adjustment period for student’s coming from other areas of Canada and other countries. Staff members are trained to recognize students at risk and to make appropriate referrals as necessary in consultation with student’s parents. International students are given an intensive orientation in their own language. VAB Student Services can assist students with housing and medical insurance requirements.
Safety & Security
The safety and security of each individual student is our greatest concern. Procedures and responsibilities for fire and emergency safety are clearly reviewed with students each year and evacuation and lock-down drills, equipment testing, and first aid procedures are regularly checked and documented. All staff keep a cell phone on their person for emergencies while in the studio. It is commonplace in Victoria for students to use public transportation to move around the city and to and from their residence and the studios. Bus tickets and passes are available at several pharmacies and corner shops and can be purchased when they arrive in Victoria. Students are taught how to do this.
The Academy is an English speaking school with ballet studies taught using the universal French ballet terminology. All students are asked to use the English language as much as possible. When auditioning for professional companies outside of Asia, English is still the most versatile language used for communication. At the discretion of the Academy Director, international students and students from the province of Quebec may be required to undertake English Language Lessons (ELL).
VAB provides Custodianship services for international students as required by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. All students studying in Canada for 6 months or longer and are under the age of majority (19 years) require a custodian.
Social & Cultural Activities
Social and cultural activities are arranged by VAB’s Student Services to help students from all over the world to get to know each other and adapt to living in Victoria. Specific information about cultural and social activities is provided throughout the year.
Academic Education
The PTP Program includes a half-day of high school academic education. The Greater Victoria area offers several choices for secondary education in public school districts and independent (private) schools for both domestic and international students. These schools offer a wide range of programs that lead to a British Columbia Grade 12 graduation diploma. Recommended schools are accredited by the BC Ministry of Education that meet the highest standards of academic excellence, allowing students to enter universities in Canada, USA, and world-wide if desired.
VAB recommends schools with whom we have developed positive working relationships, allowing accommodation for half day dance schedules as well as ballet examinations and rehearsals within the prescribed school day. Our partner school provides the flexibility for ballet students to develop a personalized learning plan that meets graduation requirements.
Local public high schools are also available in Victoria’s three school districts that offer supportive learning environments and flexible timetables for half day students. The best choice for schooling will depend on where a student resides and their educational goals.
Many PTP dancers take some online learning courses through South island Distance Education School (SIDES). SIDES is highly cooperative and helpful to VAB students.
At VAB, international and domestic visiting students in the Professional Training Program may opt to live with carefully selected and screened host families. The support and understanding of a caring host family provides a smooth transition to a new culture and a demanding dance schedule. VAB host families are chosen for their ability to provide a warm and supportive home environment, and for their willingness to treat each visiting student as a member of their family. Students who are at least 19 years old may choose their own rental situation. Apartment costs vary depending on if they are furnished or unfurnished, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, where it is located within the city, if it located in an apartment building or if it is a suite in a private home, etc. VAB Student Services can assist students with housing.